Tuesday, January 19, 2010

SkateAThon 2010 Rocks!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, we would need a huge file of photos to really capture the heart moving moments, the generous giving, the fun skating, the unique late-night hockey experience and comraderie of this 24 hour event. First few shown here: the crowd that was here at 5 pm, on the deck / then the crowd here for the final lap and toast at 6 pm Saturday, raising our stick in celebration/ happy MCHL skaters after one of the many 3 0n 3 games skated Friday night/ Colleen & Ted with Cookes and Hancocks.
As I am still challenged by the technical issues and interface of computer files- one of my children will create a public photo album on Facebook and Snapfish, so you can scope out the panorama of fun.
So many people have asked "How did you do on the SkateAThon?" So here is a partial answer-
Funds raised online- blog button $3,840.
Funds raised on site at the event $ 4,732.
an astonishing $ 8,572.00 !! ( and more arriving each day)
People in attendance: 286 +
Our funds raised will be shared between the start of the PHD Program locally and the Michael J Fox Foundation...and most importantly, Every donation will help create hope and options for the individuals and families affected by Parkinson's Disease- so we salute all of you by raising our sticks in celebration again!

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