Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hold the Bleu Cheese

Have you ever really wanted something, and then find that when you are presented with the opposite- that it actually is far better? The 'electricity' is crackling- the secret is getting out! People from several states have called, written, donated or asked for info for a friend with PD -- all from this little patch of ice in Omaha! The donations total hit $ 2,500.00 today and we haven't even laced a skate! We were interviewed on Midday TV, saw the event mentioned in the paper, and people from yoga to the hardware store are asking for info for someone with PD, reliving memories of ice skating as children, or asking directions. Yet...this is the absolutely the Opposite of what I wanted, when I first heard those shocking words.

For most of us, PD is an intense, rather private journey. Awareness of unpredicatable motor fluctuations and subtle internal changes hums like Muzak in the background, threatening to intrude on center stage. And how we try to avoid the spotlight of attention to our new companions- whether tremor, gait problems or even the tiny handwriting. In our own grasping for answers just days after hearing this diagnosis, before we told anyone- we read MJ Fox's book, Lucky Man...and reading that he had hidden the news for 7 years, I was absolutely determined to keep this a secret.

Fortunately, the only person I was willing to consult was the right one. My wise mother knew that secrecy would only trap us- each with our own heartache and fears, insulated from cutting edge information or loving support from others...which has made all the difference! How lucky, to be given what we need, rather than what we want. Now, four years later, life is so good. And so we skate, as we have for years- the simple flowing motion brings us pleasure, gathers friends and family (those are just Some of my brothers and sisters!) and now promises hope for others. ....Never mind my order...just bring me the Special.

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