Sunday, January 17, 2010

24 Hours Complete!

This could not have been a more successful and fun event- we are both overwhelmed with the response...from those who attended, provided great food, all the many skaters, the Grand Marshall, to the perfect weather, our great neighbors, and the laughter joy and and the donor's amazing genorosity...We are so grateful.

And among our blessings was the chance to witness the complete dedication of our children, siblings and Mickey- to every detail over every minute....It was Awesome! Will post results within a day ....but when we get to add up the number of people who came and funds raised, I think it will confirm what WE already know- SkateAThon 2010 was successful beyond our wildest dreams...again, Thank You!

But wait...speaking of dreams, I am not even really awake....I just came out for a glass of juice- Back to bed.
" I in my kerchief and Papa in his cap...have just settled down for a long winter nap."

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