Saturday, January 23, 2010

Once in A Blue Moon

Once in a great while, the universe lines up in a certain way and takes on a special light- like the second full moon of the month we saw on Dec 31st...or my experience of the SkateAThon.

But trying to explain a peak experience ( the sight of the Grand Canyon, the electricity of a Springsteen concert, rushing the court after a last second shot, or the miraculous birth of a baby) know that the sum is greater than the parts, and words can't convery the chemistry or "magic" of the event. But here are a few memorable 'lights' for me:

  • Our relief after several fuses blown early in the evening ( think Chevy-I-never-met-an-extension-cord-I-didn't-like Chase in Christmas vacation....and lights twinkled all night.

  • Cutting the ribbon to skate with Ted, as newly appointed Grand Marshall Doug in his Marley-dreadlocks hat and toting champagne, rang the bell for our Opening Ceremonies.

  • One little girl, reluctantly persuaded to try on skates and use our system of pushing a 4 legged kitchen stool...later skating all on her own, with a grin as big as the discarded stool.

  • A line of little kids and adult players in full gear all swaying side to side as they sang the National Anthem and O Canada...then diving across the ice yelling "Let's play hockey!"

  • The beaming smile of a Marian coach, surrounded by several girls on her 2000 State Championshiup team, now catching up with friends while juggling babies and toddlers.

  • A newly married couple coming just to skate after seeing the KMTV interview, looking up as she put on her new skates, and found a good friend- one of our married daughters.

  • The enthusiasm of one young man on his way out the door, digging in his jeans pockets for crumpled bills while saying, " I had such a blast- I need to put in more money!"

  • The soft glow on 40-50 faces, crowded closely in the light of Birthday candles on the cake, all outside singing Happy Birthday to Mark, Emily and Johnny at 1 am.

  • Watching Ted's face, his enjoyment in seeing the big tent full of excited skaters anxious for their turn...and even our shuttle drivers in the street could hear the crowd cheer.

  • Walking across the ice holding the arms and seeing the smiles of dear friends Monnie and Helen, the co-inspirations of the PHD Program, to be together in one of the group photos.

  • A friend, wide-eyed at the panorama of fun, offering to connect me to a wonderful yoga teacher for the Program, and another offered to professionally create a PHD website.

  • Fighting back tears of joy as we stand with his parents, watching their son who fought a life-threatening illness recently, now a visible answer to prayer skating in the morning sun.

  • And Travis sleeping soundly in a chair.

Tune in Monday for the complete results and an announcement about our lofty goal.

The next blue moon won't occur until 2012...but the glow from this one will easily last 'til then!

1 comment:

  1. Ya know I made it til about 4:30 in the morn before I needed that lil nap! Had a blast!
