Saturday, January 23, 2010

Miracles On Ice!

Sometimes when I walk down the hall past the den, I hear the hoarse excitement, the yelling dialogue and recognize that stirring music. The story never grows old for Ted, he can watch the movie "Miracle On Ice" once a week. And more often than not, I sit down to watch- again.

In 1980 the US won their first gold medal in hockey... if you aren't into skating, you may not know how their achievement sent excitement and hope through much of the country. Thirty years ago, trying to describe the unlikely victory over a dominant Russian team, announcer Al Michaels coined the phrase " Do you believe in Miracles??" goosebumps come every time....

Human beings, when striving with dedication, working hard with proper coaching- can achieve more than they ever thought possible...more than anyone thought possible. No one person could set this event up or skate for 24 hours. But caught up in the enthusiasm and comraderie with others, a special 'spirit' was created, everyone did their part-and it worked, rather easily.

For me, the idea of ice skating on a cold night, with lots of people around- was intimidating. When my feet get cold or my medicine wears off, my left foot cramps and turns under and my balance is poor. Add some stress, and ice skating looks like a long shot....but it worked fine.
Others who came told us they couldn't skate, or hadn't for years- and then did! It is exhilarating to be watch or be part of things like that- we all love a win.

That's what we're hoping to acccomplish with the PHD Program too- helping people who are facing a tough opponent in PD know that they are not alone, to connect them to activities that can actually improve functioning. With hard work, practice and proper coaching- bouyed by the camraderie and commitment of others, they can accomplish much more than they think is possible...just like last weekend....or that moment in 1980.

So cue the drumroll, and let the breathless announcer call out the stunning results:

  • The donations just hit $10,120.83 !! Unbelievable? Not any more!
  • 312 people attended, and more skated this year than ever before.
  • Checks to the Michael J Fox Foundation = $1,035.00 so far.
  • No one, not one person- got hurt. Isn't that remarkable??
Do you believe in miracles? SCOOORE!

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