Monday, November 8, 2010

The Stage Manager

Fall transforms our yard- the roses fade, mums begin to bloom and glorious yellows and reds grace our trees. The wisdom of the seasons reminds us to expect all these changes, even to see special beauty in them. For our family, the cool temps also means that preparing to put down and fill the ice rink draws if a silent stage manager is choreographing every move.

But what of those transitions or seasons of our own aging...or health? Is it possible to find some serenity, wisdom or even beauty in our own 'Parkinson's autumn' of fading colors, slower movements and tentative balance? Or at least to carefully observe these changes, without fear or judgement? In the coming weeks, the 'stage' will be set and the ice rink filled. Come back often to watch the transition, and to meet some vibrant creative people who are skating circles around PD.

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